Junior players, those aged 17 and under, will register at the beginning of the season and turn up to the grading days for their age group. From there they will be placed in a team.
Players who are aged 6-8 years will be placed in a team, but the team is likely to have players from their school or players they know. These players are in the Net Set Go competition. Scores of these games are not recorded. The focus is on skill development, not outcome.
Senior teams are mostly formed by people who know each other. They are registered as a team and are graded into a relevant competition by KNA.

KNA requires all clubs to grade their teams. This allows for players to be with other players of a
similar skill level. It provides structure to both the Club teams and the KNA competition.

Registering Senior Teams
We welcome returning and new Senior teams to our Club. Senior teams must register with a
minimum of 7 players. Your Team Manager needs to send the Senior Teams Registration Form to
our Senior Registrar, as soon as possible, seniorregistrar@westpymblenetball.com.au., listing all
players registering to play in the team.
Please complete the Microsoft Word form and email it to register.
If you are a Senior player and you are not part of a team, please email our Senior Registrar, seniorregistrar@westpymblenetball.com.au,
he will enquire with registering Teams to see if they have place/s available for additional players.